
Continuous professional development


CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT for coaches & those wishing to become one!


This training course will teach you important stretching elements as well as theory and information regarding the importance of stretching and flexibility. Basic know-how on educational theory, didactics and instruction, and correction of the individual stretching exercises with or without smoveys will also be covered on this day.

The muscles and their surrounding tendons and ligaments should have the opportunity to rest after a strain having been put on muscles and nerve endings. Studies have shown that, besides movement, flexibility and muscle softness in old age help prevent injury and keep the body fit.

StageArts by Nicole Wegerer-Jeschke became established as early as 2016 with her own Basics2Dance and More2Dance training ranges. Passing on correct and basic information regarding the basics of different dance styles and movement in general as well as anatomy and stretching are all subjects very close to Nicole's heart.

Nicole Wegerer-Jeschke has been dancing on stages big and small for 33 years. She has completed several training courses and workshops, and she has done the choreography and production of projects such as Kinderklangwolke, theatre pieces, compositions, danced fashion shows, and she has taught in the corporate sector. The trend sport of Pole dance has been taught in Linz by Nicole Wegerer-Jeschke from day one. In addition to this, she is also the co-founder of the pole dance trainer course, and she has created her very own programme of dance tutorials, Basics2Dance. Being a parodist and the organiser of the group “Die Parodeiser”, she has the knowledge of event, stage comedy, and the wow-effect required.

With the concept and training of future coaches for smoveySHUFFLE & smoveySTRETCH she is now bringing an additional component to the smovey power line.


Costs: € 189,- (259 CHF)